• Get rest beforehand, be hydrated and fed, and in a good headspace.

  • Wear things that are comfortable enough for climbing stairs and living hard.

  • Bring a bag with you for any clothing changes and any other supplies. (Most people have an initial outfit and then something sexier and/or more comfortable for post-midnight.) Make sure the bag zips or fully closes! Tuck it somewhere where it won’t be kicked by some drunk person at 5AM. There's a walk-in closet in the space with lots of drawers, but try not to hang out in there excessively; it can get crowded fast.

  • If attending with a partner/buddy, make sure you discuss in detail beforehand any boundaries or limitations and try to stick to them. Arriving together and leaving together are good ideas.

  • We HIGHLY recommend getting tested in advance of the event. Be prepared to discuss testing and STI status, if asked. (And please feel comfortable asking others about theirs!) There will be condoms provided throughout the space. Use them! FC is not the place to fluid bond for the first time with a new or old partner. Safe is sexy, y'all. 

  • In spite of the open bar and delicious cocktails, resist the urge to get overly intoxicated. People often do this to reduce inhibition or nerves but a nice lil buzz is much better for this environment. Anyone who's visibly intoxicated or making a nuisance of themselves will be sent home, and that's a bummer for errrybody.

  • Parties can be surprisingly overwhelming. It may seem like everyone in the room already knows each other, which can feel intimidating. Lots of them do. But everyone is terribly friendly, so feel free to join conversations and introduce yourself to folks. We can help with introducing you around too, if that's appealing!

  • There will be a team of Guardians with LED armbands. They are our beloved sex cops and will make sure everyone's behaving well, but they're also there to just hang out and chat if you're feeling lonely or adrift. They were handpicked for their sweetness 'n charm, so feel free to hang with 'em for a bit! Or ask them to introduce you to some sultry stranger. Or for directions or guidance. Whatever you need!

  • Many people keep their clothes on/refrain from playing their first time at a party. This is very normal! Do what feels right to you.

  • Please be discreet and respect the privacy of your fellow partygoers. Do not share ANY details about the identity of attendees or about the event without permission. Not everyone has the luxury of being a full-time freak and may face professional and personal repercussions if care isn't taken. When in doubt, err on the side of caution!

  • And finally, but most importantly,

    Consent (aka a verbal affirmation) is REQUIRED for:
    Any kind of touch.
    Touching someone's clothing or hair.
    Kisses and hugs.
    Escalating a sexual situation, even if you've received an initial "yes."

    You may observe people not following these rules but that DOES NOT mean the rules aren't in effect; those people most likely have a prior relationship or agreement.

  • Another consent-y thing to note: own your YES-es and NO-s. This can be much harder than it sounds. Do your best and let us know if you want some help brainstorming fun and funny ways to say no.

If anyone breaches your consent in any way or is being creepy or making you uncomfortable (or you observe this happening to another person), tell a team member—ideally us or one of our Guardians—and we will take care of it in a low-key fashion.

Review our full consent policies here.

Any questions? Reach out!